In compliance with Michigan Executive Order 2020-97, this COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan (Plan) is effective, June 1, 2020 and is available upon request to employees, customers and, if applicable, labor unions.
The intent of the Plan is to be consistent with the recommendations of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and their Guidance on Preparing Workplaces for COVID-19. The OSHA guidance is available here.
The Plan is designed to incorporate all applicable and practicable OSHA recommendations, and where any differences may appear, we reserve the right to amend the Plan on a case-by-case basis in order to assure the health and safety of our employees and customers.
In order to help employers determine appropriate precautions, OSHA has divided job tasks into four risk exposure levels.
Garden Grove Retreat employs individuals at the medium risk exposure level. Medium risk exposure is defined by OSHA as those “jobs that require frequent and/or close contact with (i.e., within 6 feet of) people who may be infected with SARS-CoV-2, but who are not known or suspected COVID-19 patients. In areas without ongoing community transmission, workers in this risk group may have frequent contact with travelers who may return from international locations with widespread COVID-19 transmission. In areas where there is ongoing community transmission, workers in this category may have contact with the general public.”
Garden Grove Retreat therefore implements the following control measures effective as of the date of this Plan:
Frequent hand washing is required.
Social distancing of at least six feet is required to the extent practicable.
Masks are to be worn indoors at all times and outdoors if it is not possible to keep a six-foot distance from others (current executive order).
Alcohol-based hand rubs with at least 60% alcohol, tissues, and waste receptacles will be made available to employees, visitors and customers.
Employees who are sick, feel like they may be getting sick, or who reside with and must care for someone who is sick or feel that they may be getting sick are required to stay home.
Employees are required to self-monitor for signs of COVID-19. If they experience symptoms of COVID-19, they are required to report it and isolate from the work place and others.
Until notified further, sick policies will be relaxed to encourage individuals to remain home if sick or feeling sick. Doctors’ notes or other verifications will not be required.
Cover all coughs and sneezes (elbows preferred over hands).
Equipment, phones, desks, and other similar items are not be shared.
Routine cleaning and disinfecting measures are undertaken.
Physical barriers, such as clear plastic sneeze guards, have been installed where feasible.
Any employee or customer who appears or becomes ill will be offered a face mask until such time as they can safely leave the business. Employees will not be permitted to return until they return to health.
Customers will be informed, by signage and other appropriate measures, about symptoms of COVID-19 and sick customers will be asked to minimize contact with workers until healthy again.
Where appropriate, customer and public access to the worksite will be limited and employee access will be limited to only certain workplace areas.
Where possible, work shifts will involve the physical presence of fewer employees.
Face-to-face contact is to be minimized to the extent possible.
Medical screening availability and other health resources will be conspicuously posted in the workplace.
Appropriate PPE will be available as work tasks require. This includes, but is not limited to, face coverings and gloves.
Retreat attendance is limited to 25 persons maximum through April 30, 2021 or until further notice.
Employees and customers are encouraged to offer any suggestions that may provide additional safeguards for employees and customers.
This policy shall remain in effect until further notice.